Of course this won't show on TV. It was tough enough to get a good crowd shot out of C-SPAN. No, only TEA Party rallies are worthy of the microscopic inspection provided by the comrades in the sock-puppet media.
Enjoyed your pics! It was something being down there, seeing the Communist/Socialist influence out in the open, as well as the way they just trashed the place. Amazing!
RE: the sign about US Mail falling apart if they eliminated Saturday delivery...as a six year former union member and letter carrier for US Mail, Saturday delivery we got overtime pay which helped supplement our salaries. I quit the post office because I hated working six days a week and being away so much from my family. They could eliminate Saturday delivery and run it smoothly by more efficiency in hiring practices and labor hours rather than the current political and notoriously racial aspects the Post Office and its union do in the hiring processes.
Anoy: I used to be in the direct mail world. While I didn't work in the post office I do know that they have way too many chiefs and not too many indians. The executives are very well paid. Maybe if they streamline that, it would help a great deal to getting them on better financial footing.
I agree w/ the last sign, but don't give libs any credit for making it happen. Their "progressive" policies are anti-family, anti-children, anti-accountability, and anti-civilization. Healthy marriages produce healthy, well-adjusted children and societies, independent of the nanny state.
It is interesting about the people with the last sign. I spoke with them for a bit and they seemed very middle of the road. Two were teachers and they were not wearing their union t shirts and talked me to about how parents are the main teacher. So I have this feeling that they were looking at some of the radicalism the same way I did. I didn't ask them, but that was my observation.
My friend and I were drivers at ups for years. He quit and took a job at the post office. His first day out alone he delivered everything in his truck in three hours. He was harrassed for months for finishing way too early. It is training and preferential treatment to special people in hiring. They don't hire the best people sometimes. They are inefficient. Long lines at the stations. Management can't come and help. Union. Stupid system. Privatize it and you will be amazed at the change when they have to be profitable and best employees. My branch they joke and chat even with many in line.
Did anyone at the One Nation rally bring a loaded gun like the Tea Baggers did to several Health Care Reform rallies? Did they bring their machine guns with loaded magazines to where the Presidential rallies like you Teahadi bastards? Yea IOKIYAR, now let a Black man with a machine gun go to a Palin rally and he'll be the only brother in heaven in a wheelchair. You need to stop listening to Lonesome Roads.
I hope that no one did bring a gun, because it would have been illegal, DC has very limited gun rights. Unlike the rally you are discussing and mischaracterizing as you always do. That was a second amendment rally, not a presidental rally. What that man did was perfectly legal in Arizona. Bringing a gun to a rally about gun rights isn't all that unusual. That was the point of it. The president was several miles away and perfectly safe.
A belief in the written constitution. The belief that we are responsible for ourselves and for our families. The belief that we are allowed to fail. The belief in a strong national defense are a few of the things that make me just a conservative girl.
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini
"I say this not to the teachers, but to their unions: If education were a war, you would be losing it. If it were a business, you would be driving it into bankruptcy. If it were a patient, it would be dying." Bob Dole
Yes, House Republicans have been in power for 5 hours and they have not passed their entire agenda. The New York Times things they should be canned and Democrats put back in charge. Don Surber
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"So I say huzzah to the 112th congress for reading the Constitution, for acting like it matters. It does. The Constitution may not be sacred, but the sacred has no better friend than the Constitution." Pat Archibold
"53% of Democrats have a postive view of socialism. 100% of republicans think those 53% are morons." Mark Levin
"Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness." First plank of the communist strategy for revolution - confiscated in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1919
"If you believe this isn't going to cost the government anything, you are likely to see leprechauns riding on unicorns with pots of gold circling the capitol" Rep. Devin Nunes, CA-21 on healthcare "reform".
"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views". William F. Buckley, Jr.
"The Republicans were laughing and waving the American flag, and I thought that was ourtrageous behavior" Maxine Waters
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas
I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress. Frederick Douglas
Don't go around saying that the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain
I freed thousands of slaves, and could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves. Harriet Tubman
But I think the most important thing I have figured out was how not to lose hope even when things are bad and it feels like it won't get better. It will get better. You just have to keep working at it and moving forward. Homeless & Conservative
The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. Vladimer Lenin
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal. F.A. Hayek
Holy God in Heaven. We could not see this sewage via television. Thanks for posting these.
Of course this won't show on TV. It was tough enough to get a good crowd shot out of C-SPAN. No, only TEA Party rallies are worthy of the microscopic inspection provided by the comrades in the sock-puppet media.
Thanks for posting, I had not seen some of these kooks yet, absolute nutbars, the lot of them.
Thanks for being our eyes at this rally.
Great job!
Linked at Bread upon the Waters.
When you look at the list of groups involved - I am not surprised. Sad, but not surprised.
Holy smokes. This is great info. I love (hate) the Che sign. Si, se puede, huh? Yes we can murder political enemies? Not a great record, that thug.
Enjoyed your pics! It was something being down there, seeing the Communist/Socialist influence out in the open, as well as the way they just trashed the place. Amazing!
RE: the sign about US Mail falling apart if they eliminated Saturday delivery...as a six year former union member and letter carrier for US Mail, Saturday delivery we got overtime pay which helped supplement our salaries. I quit the post office because I hated working six days a week and being away so much from my family. They could eliminate Saturday delivery and run it smoothly by more efficiency in hiring practices and labor hours rather than the current political and notoriously racial aspects the Post Office and its union do in the hiring processes.
I used to be in the direct mail world. While I didn't work in the post office I do know that they have way too many chiefs and not too many indians. The executives are very well paid. Maybe if they streamline that, it would help a great deal to getting them on better financial footing.
I agree w/ the last sign, but don't give libs any credit for making it happen. Their "progressive" policies are anti-family, anti-children, anti-accountability, and anti-civilization. Healthy marriages produce healthy, well-adjusted children and societies, independent of the nanny state.
It is interesting about the people with the last sign. I spoke with them for a bit and they seemed very middle of the road. Two were teachers and they were not wearing their union t shirts and talked me to about how parents are the main teacher. So I have this feeling that they were looking at some of the radicalism the same way I did. I didn't ask them, but that was my observation.
My friend and I were drivers at ups for years. He quit and took a job at the post office. His first day out alone he delivered everything in his truck in three hours. He was harrassed for months for finishing way too early. It is training and preferential treatment to special people in hiring. They don't hire the best people sometimes. They are inefficient. Long lines at the stations. Management can't come and help. Union. Stupid system. Privatize it and you will be amazed at the change when they have to be profitable and best employees. My branch they joke and chat even with many in line.
Of course they are inefficient. What government entity or program is efficient. I don't think that one exists.
Did anyone at the One Nation rally bring a loaded gun like the Tea Baggers did to several Health Care Reform rallies? Did they bring their machine guns with loaded magazines to where the Presidential rallies like you Teahadi bastards? Yea IOKIYAR, now let a Black man with a machine gun go to a Palin rally and he'll be the only brother in heaven in a wheelchair. You need to stop listening to Lonesome Roads.
I hope that no one did bring a gun, because it would have been illegal, DC has very limited gun rights. Unlike the rally you are discussing and mischaracterizing as you always do. That was a second amendment rally, not a presidental rally. What that man did was perfectly legal in Arizona. Bringing a gun to a rally about gun rights isn't all that unusual. That was the point of it. The president was several miles away and perfectly safe.
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