Many things are flying under the radar as we pay attention to the healthcare debate that is currently in the house. One of these is the fact that Sen. DeMint put forth a bill that would ban earmarks for one year in all legislation. We are in major debt and it just keeps getting worse. The least our government should do is to have an open and transparent process of where the money is going, not sticking in earmarks at the last minute, which means many senators don't even know what they are voting on nor is there any debate on if the money should be spent on that particular thing. Here is how the vote went:
Senate Vote On 1-Year Earmark Moratorium
Yes = Supported Earmark Ban
No = Opposed Earmark Ban
Republican Hall of Shame
Alabama: Sessions (R), Yes --- Shelby (R), No
Alaska: Begich (D), No --- Murkowski (R), No
Arizona: Kyl (R),Yes --- McCain (R), Yes
Arkansas: Lincoln (D), No --- Pryor (D), No
California: Boxer (D), No --- Feinstein (D), No
Colorado: Bennet (D), No --- Udall (D), No
Connecticut: Dodd (D), No --- Lieberman (I), No
Delaware: Carper (D), No --- Kaufman (D), Yes
Florida: LeMieux (R), Yes --- Nelson (D), No
Georgia: Chambliss (R), Yes --- Isakson (R), Yes
Hawaii: Akaka (D), No --- Inouye (D), No
Idaho: Crapo (R), Yes --- Risch (R), Yes
Illinois: Burris (D), No --- Durbin (D), No
Indiana: Bayh (D), Yes --- Lugar (R), No
Iowa: Grassley (R), Yes --- Harkin (D), No
Kansas: Brownback (R), Yes --- Roberts (R), No
Kentucky: Bunning (R), No --- McConnell (R), Yes
Louisiana: Landrieu (D), No --- Vitter (R), Yes
Maine: Collins (R), No --- Snowe (R), No
Maryland: Cardin (D), No --- Mikulski (D), No
Massachusetts: Brown (R), Yes --- Kerry (D), No
Michigan: Levin (D), No --- Stabenow (D), No
Minnesota: Franken (D), No --- Klobuchar (D), No
Mississippi: Cochran (R), No --- Wicker (R), No
Missouri: Bond (R), No --- McCaskill (D), Yes
Montana: Baucus (D), No --- Tester (D), Didn't Vote
Nebraska: Johanns (R), Yes --- Nelson (D), No
Nevada: Ensign (R), Yes --- Reid (D), No
New Hampshire: Gregg (R), No --- Shaheen (D), No
New Jersey: Lautenberg (D), No --- Menendez (D), No
New Mexico: Bingaman (D), No --- Udall (D), No
New York: Gillibrand (D), No --- Schumer (D), No
North Carolina: Burr (R), Yes --- Hagan (D), No
North Dakota: Conrad (D), No --- Dorgan (D), No
Ohio: Brown (D), No --- Voinovich (R), No
Oklahoma: Coburn (R), Yes --- Inhofe (R), No
Oregon: Merkley (D), No --- Wyden (D), No
Pennsylvania: Casey (D), No --- Specter (D), No
Rhode Island: Reed (D), No --- Whitehouse (D), No
South Carolina: DeMint (R), Yes --- Graham (R), Yes
South Dakota: Johnson (D), No --- Thune (R), Yes
Tennessee: Alexander (R), No --- Corker (R), Yes
Texas: Cornyn (R), Yes --- Hutchison (R), No
Utah: Bennett (R), Didn't Vote --- Hatch (R), Yes
Vermont: Leahy (D), No --- Sanders (I), No
Virginia: Warner (D), No --- Webb (D), No (lucky me)
Washington: Cantwell (D), No --- Murray (D), No
West Virginia: Byrd (D), Didn't Vote --- Rockefeller (D), No
Wisconsin: Feingold (D), Yes --- Kohl (D), No
Wyoming: Barrasso (R), Yes --- Enzi (R), Yes
In The Mailbox: 02.21.25 (Evening Edition)
3 hours ago
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