Last Night Sarah Palin made an appearance on The Tonight Show. She and Jay had a little chat, and then she did a stand up routine of sorts. I rarely, if ever, watch Leno, but I did tune in to see her.
I thought she was pretty funny when she did her little comedy routine, but I am pre-disposed to like her, as she is a conservative girl too. Today, I was doing my usual rounds of the net. I took a gander at the CNN blog entry of her appearance. It certainly was not glowing, but it wasn’t a hit job either. Then, I read the comments……
Now, I have been pretty open about the fact that I don’t want her to get the nomination in 12. But my reasoning is not at all about hate or thinking she is lacking in the intelligence department. She certainly isn’t stupid. If people actually took the time to look at her resume they would realize that, especially when you throw in the fact that she is only in mid forties. She has accomplished a great deal, she can’t be as stupid as the lunatic left makes her out to be.
But, many on left can’t let go of the caricature that was painted of her during the campaign. Some, to this day can’t differentiate between the SNL skit and her.
Let’s have a little fun and take a look at the comments:
Looks like a failure at stand-up comedy too. This bimbo couldn't chew gum and fart at the same time. Aah, the party of tolerance!!
Well, she should explore something other than presidential politics. And also something other than trying to hijack the Tea Party movement, too. I didn't realize she was hi-jacking the tea party movement.
not bad , kinda funny. but I thought she was a bigger joke when she ran for vp
Although I would still rather vote for my dog instead of her, kudos to Sarah Palin's advisors for effective repackaging. Jeans, lighter make-up, self-depreciating humor courtesy of a joke writer, it was all designed to make Ms. Palin more affable. The question is whether Ms. Palin will be able to remain in this new persona. Personally, I doubt it. With an undiscernable sense of humor and a thin skin, all it will take is one spark to make her go off script. Fun to watch American marketing in action though.
Being a joke doesn't make you a comedian.
Sarah Palin's kids ARE victims...of their own mother's crossing the line. Its a shame Leno has to resort to boosting this Borderline Personality Narcissistic excuse for a republican leader Aah, back to the bad mother mantra
Keep your day job with FOX. Your lack of talent works best in that environment.
She is more rude and crass than those she accuses. None of her jokes were funny. I have rarely heard her say anything positive about any person, place or thing. But she can "see Russia from Alaska!!!" And, if she wants to stay in the limelight she needs to toughen up and accept that her family will be the brunt of negataive and positive comments. Uum, you think she is stupid, but this is something that Tina Fey said. Sarah Palin never said this. Kettle meet pot
Said Palin, "I'm still waiting for that line to be uncrossed: Just some common decency, allowing the kids to not be, I guess, the victim in all this because they certainly don't deserve it."
Try not trotting them out as political props! You don't see her kids all that much since the election ended.
Her father taught her how to cheat?!! We won't even discuss how many times she has put her children front and center and then complained about all the attention they receive. Sarah, please just shut up and go back to Alaska. Umm, when it was cheating to write notes on your hand, it was Sen. Feinstein that did it. Sarah was sitting for a Q&A, not having a debate.
Even in this comedic spot she remains sarcastic and cutting while attempting to disguise her true nature behind a folksy, smiling veneer.
She strikes me as the archetypal "mean girl" in high school. Sarah used her infant son as a political prop during her convention speech when she was nominated for VP. There was no reason for a child that young to be in the convention hall, because he was too young to have any understanding of what was going on. Piper's presence was perfectly reasonable. But to take the infant into the convention hall, and have the cameras repeatedly cut to him, amounted to nothing more than exploiting him as a political prop. So now she's upset with the consequences of that., Too bad.Where was she supposed to put him, in the hallway?
She LOVES the spotlight...what does doing stand-up on Leno have to do with her political career?! Umm, she doesn't currently have a political career.
I thought she did well with Leno. He's rather fair, unlike Letterman who can be such a snot.
Interestingly, when discussing Romney's appearance on Letterman's show, Chris Matthews made mention of the idea (as Romney defended her against Letterman) that Palin might not run in '12, but said to watch how all the candidates treat her, because she is the golden ticket of endorsements in the eyes of many.
A belief in the written constitution. The belief that we are responsible for ourselves and for our families. The belief that we are allowed to fail. The belief in a strong national defense are a few of the things that make me just a conservative girl.
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini
"I say this not to the teachers, but to their unions: If education were a war, you would be losing it. If it were a business, you would be driving it into bankruptcy. If it were a patient, it would be dying." Bob Dole
Yes, House Republicans have been in power for 5 hours and they have not passed their entire agenda. The New York Times things they should be canned and Democrats put back in charge. Don Surber
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"So I say huzzah to the 112th congress for reading the Constitution, for acting like it matters. It does. The Constitution may not be sacred, but the sacred has no better friend than the Constitution." Pat Archibold
"53% of Democrats have a postive view of socialism. 100% of republicans think those 53% are morons." Mark Levin
"Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness." First plank of the communist strategy for revolution - confiscated in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1919
"If you believe this isn't going to cost the government anything, you are likely to see leprechauns riding on unicorns with pots of gold circling the capitol" Rep. Devin Nunes, CA-21 on healthcare "reform".
"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views". William F. Buckley, Jr.
"The Republicans were laughing and waving the American flag, and I thought that was ourtrageous behavior" Maxine Waters
"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." Norman Thomas
I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress. Frederick Douglas
Don't go around saying that the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain
I freed thousands of slaves, and could have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves. Harriet Tubman
But I think the most important thing I have figured out was how not to lose hope even when things are bad and it feels like it won't get better. It will get better. You just have to keep working at it and moving forward. Homeless & Conservative
The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. Vladimer Lenin
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal. F.A. Hayek
I SO want to meet you for lunch or dinner or something. Let me know.
Hey, if you want to leave your email addy in my comments, I will not publish it.
I thought she did well with Leno. He's rather fair, unlike Letterman who can be such a snot.
Interestingly, when discussing Romney's appearance on Letterman's show, Chris Matthews made mention of the idea (as Romney defended her against Letterman) that Palin might not run in '12, but said to watch how all the candidates treat her, because she is the golden ticket of endorsements in the eyes of many.
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