In case you have not heard about Ten Bucks Fridays, it is a way to give much needed funds to worthy candidates. There is a facebook page set up and quite a few blogs are involved in getting the polls out. If you can't afford to send every week, that is fine............just vote and keep the word out about candidates that could use the money to help get elected and take our country back.
Right Klik is very much involved in this movement. Take a look and vote for next week's contenders.
In The Mailbox: 02.21.25 (Evening Edition)
3 hours ago
This is great! Thanx for sharing.
You can post the poll here too if you wish, the results will be cumulative. Here's the link for easy instructions:
Just doin' my part. We need to take out the trash in November!!
Information at link corrected:
I agree - take out the trash in November!
And here's another great candidate - PATRICIA SULLIVAN, running for FLORIDA DIST 8 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A conservative Republican candidate with a passion for families and freedom, and the guarantees of the U.S. Constitution. She'll be a great asset in Congress! Check out her website:
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