You may remember Tito "The Builder". He came onto the national scene during the McCain/Palin Campaign after making an appearance on stage with a Virginia campaign stop with Sarah Palin. Since that time Tito and his wife Debbie have become very involved with Virginia politics and the Tea Party. You may remember this rip roaring speech at last year's 9/12 march:
Tito and Debbie have become friends of mine of the past few years and I can personally vouch for the passion and the commitment that they have towards making America a better place. Tito grew up in Columbia and fully understands the dangers of socialism and sees the road that America is taking. Because of that, Tito has decided to throw his hat into the ring and run for a seat in the Virginia senate. A few short days ago he had his kick off event.
Slightly more than 50 people showed up on a Thursday morning to cheer him on. George Allen, former governor and senator, gave the introduction.
Tito held his event at a strip mall in Woodbridge, Virginia right on route one. This strip mall is like many others across the country, more empty space than stores. He chose this background for a reason. Virginia as well as other states need jobs. The second point for this location is the traffic issues that we have in Northern Virginia. We have the second highest level of traffic in the country. Our infrastructure is sorely in need of updates. Tito, as a small business owner, is aware of the issues of jobs and infrastructure. He is also aware of the regulations that is chocking small businesses. Tito's construction business at one time had many contracts building gas stations in the Prince William and Fairfax County area. The new regulations have made those businesses much more difficult to build. So not only does Tito have less work, the residents have fewer choices in where to get gas. Few choices mean higher prices.
Tito has decided to step up and do something about it.
Tito is also dealing with some shenanigans within the republican party. I will get into that at a later time, but Tito is not going to let that stop him.
This is Luis. I told you about him before. Watch this video again to hear what a principled man Luis is.
Last but not least is Team Tito - We are rag tagged bunch, but we have a great deal of passion.
And no, we didn't talk to each other before hand, we just all wore red stripes.
Visit Tito's site here and why you are there, please make a donation. Even one dollar can make a difference.
You can see some of the press that Tito has been getting here and here .
Some of his upcoming press appearances will be with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business and with Mary Katherine Ham Brewer on her radio show on WMAL.
Debate Night: America in the Balance
3 hours ago
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