Ms. King asked Beck to pray with her. I was very happy to hear that her and her cousin Martin were on the same plane back to Atlanta and sat with each other and spoke. I am glad to hear her choices are not affecting her family life, since Martin spoke at the rally with Sharpton.
Apparently Sarah Prayed on her own before the rally for about 30 minutes
Here is one of the reasons that it will be impossible to get an accurate count, we were packed this densely under the trees as well. I was sitting before this picture on the right.
I had wondered why Beck looked much thinner, he was wearing a bullet proof vest that day at the request of his wife. He normally has a belly sticking out.
This was during my favorite part of the day. The playing of Amazing Grace on the bag pipes
I couldn't see the screen from where I was sitting, so I am seeing this for the first time.