Thursday, May 7, 2009

School Voucher Update

It was announced today by the White House that those 1700 children who are receiving vouchers will be allowed to finish school through graduation of high school. I want to commend the President for bucking the unions that were trying to stop this program and take away the educational opportunities of these low income children. I realize that this issue wasn't talked about much in national media, but it did get quite a bit of attention in the DC area.


One Ticked Chick said...

I'm also pleased the president extended the voucher program for the children who are currently enrolled. Unfortunately the program hasn't been extended so children who would like the opportunity to attend these schools in the coming years will be denied that opportunity.

Just a conservative girl said...

Yes, that is true. But you have to start somewhere. These kids more than likely will give back to society as adults. I am a big believer in pay it forward. That is the hope we must have as a society and as a parent.

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