GLENN: We have our first announcement on 8/28, Restoring Honor. I want to tell you the beginnings now of what I have planned in August and you need to start making plans today to attend. In 1780 George Washington developed a badge of merit. It is what our Purple Heart is modeled after. He only awarded, for the records that we have found, he only awarded three of these damages of merit. At the time the world only gave medals and badges and everything else to officers, but he was looking to create in his words an honorable and Christian army. He was looking to build people of integrity, people who understood merit and honor. He said the road to glory in a free country is open to all. It was the first time that anybody had ever done that, looking at the farmer and saying you don't have to be an officer and do something honorable. It was not about the Purple Heart, surprisingly. The Purple Heart was modeled after the badge of merit after they were found in 1933. And that's when we started awarding purple hearts. But it was not for honor. It was just for being wounded. That's not what the badge of merit was under George Washington. He used to keep the names in a book called the book of merit. He talked about it in his writings in 1782. The book has never been found. But the badges have been. We're going to restore honor by restoring the road to glory that in a free country is open to all. We are going to begin awarding badges of merit. We're designing them now and they are — I haven't decided if we're going to make them into actual medals that you would pin on a chest or wear like the medal of honor or if it's just a badge, exactly the way George Washington intended. That's how I'm leaning at this point. But we are collecting some people that you will, you will not believe and I want to introduce them to you and I want to I want you to see the people that are living life today that deserve a badge of merit that are living their life in accordance with just universal principles. Principles and values. So that is going to be the overview of what we're doing there and it will be a chance for your children, if we want to restore the country, if we want to restore honor, then we have to restore faith and principles and find a new George Washington. Maybe it is your child. In the first 15 minutes of Restoring Honor, you will see these people on stage. Jo Dee Messina is going to be playing a miniconcert prior to. She won the CMA Horizon award, she's done, you know, her songs "I'm All Right, Bring on the Rain." She's a great lady, great performer. She's going to be opening up so as people are coming in to the Lincoln Memorial area, she will be performing. In the first 15 minutes of the program Gary Sinise will be joining, Marcus Luttrell will be on stage. We hope to have the largest collection of medal of honor winners that have ever been assembled. Ted Nugent will be there. Let's see. There is somebody else. David Barton there be will be there in the first 15 minutes and to bring on the medal of honor winners along with Gary Sinise will be somebody that I selected that I, not for political reasons at all but because I think she understands duty and honor, I think she understands what it's like the first people that we have to point out before we go into the badge of merit are the people that have done remarkable things in wartime. She has a son who is serving currently. Sarah Palin will also be joining and she's on the phone with us. Hi, Sarah, how are you?
SARAH PALIN: Good morning, Glenn. How are you?
GLENN: Very good. Are you in Alaska?
GLENN: What is it, like 1:00 a.m. in Alaska? Is it still last night in Alaska?
SARAH PALIN: It feels like it. No, it's about 6:00 a.m. and I just finished up a class with some of my girlfriends and I told them I was on the air with you this morning and these gals were lifting weights and working hard, a couple of them said, you've been sassy lately, and they love it and keep it up.
GLENN: I've been Sassy?
SARAH PALIN: That's what they say.
GLENN: That's what my daughter calls me, she calls me Sassy pants, don't be a Sassy pants, Dad. Sarah, I want to thank you for volunteering to be a part of the and know that we haven't — we've spent some time talking about it but we're going to be doing some more planning here and you are going to be part of the program that is really focused on the troops and how amazing they are. But I just wanted to thank you for being a part of that.
SARAH PALIN: Well, I thank you. I think it's going to be the most inspiring and for me personally the most humbling experience, could be of my lifetime, and I hope we have a million people there to honor our troops. I'm just so absolutely thrilled that you invited me and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
GLENN: Good. Sarah, I want to change the subject here a bit because you wrote me a disturbing e mail a couple of nights ago and it has been really bothering me. I read it to my wife. We were in bed and I said, honey, my gosh, look at this. You had a guy move in next door and I mean, I think I saw — I don't know if it was on the front page of the Drudge Report that I saw. Was that a picture of you or a picture of the deck that he has just rented from your perspective?
SARAH PALIN: It was a picture of the deck about 15 feet away from my kitchen window with him standing overlooking, yeah.
GLENN: Okay. So here's this guy and he's not just some, you know, "Hey, I want to go take a vacation in Alaska." This is a guy who has been hounding you and I mean I think stalking you and writing a book about you.
SARAH PALIN: He's, he's an odd character, yeah. If you look at his history and the things that he's written and the things he's been engaged in but, you know, as they say, fences make for good neighbors and Todd and his buddies started the fence yesterday and it's looking good. It's about 14 feet high and that's what we're going to have to do this summer, I guess.
GLENN: You can't even — you know what? You are lucky you live in Alaska. Zoning laws where I live, I can't even build a fence. You can't build a fence. Because I thought of that, why would I do if somebody, if somebody did that? Did your neighbor know? How did your neighbor who's renting the house rent it to this guy?
SARAH PALIN: We don't know. Todd had been trying to get a hold of her all winter long because the house was vacant, and we were going to rent it or even ask if we could purchase it for fear of something like this happening and couldn't get a hold of the neighbor. And next thing you know, yeah, there were new tenants in it, a new tenant.
GLENN: How long is he going to be there?
SARAH PALIN: He says until at least October. That will — he says he needs that much time to write the book that he's writing about us.
GLENN: That's just, I mean, may I ask you? I mean, I don't know if you heard what I said yesterday on the air, but shame on Random House. And I know a lot of authors at Random House that write great books and just, I'm not going to mention. I won't mention those books anymore because it's just, it's wrong. It's just wrong what they're doing. Do you feel as a woman, do you feel violated?
SARAH PALIN: I feel more protective than ever in terms of my kids, you know. Any mom would just wanting to bring your family even closer and wrap your arms around them and not let the infringement upon their rights and privacy be so overwhelming as to make us not enjoy our life up here. But, you know, people have said already, oh, the guy, he has his freedoms, too, and, of course, he can live wherever he lives and, well, of course he can. And he can do what he wants to do. However, I think any mom in my position, if they put themselves in my shoes, they would feel the same way and that is —
GLENN: Of course they would.
SARAH PALIN: That is, do your thing.
GLENN: Of course they would.
SARAH PALIN: Stay your distance and you better leave my kids alone.
GLENN: Unbelievable.
SARAH PALIN: But, you know, Glenn, in the grand scheme of things and as you are tackling things that are of utmost importance in this world, what Todd and I remind ourselves all the time, when we get these little kind of political shots thrown our way, we have to remember that everybody has trials and tribulations. Everybody has a battle that they are fighting, too, and we may want to tire, we may want to give up, we may want to retreat. And instead like my dad says, don't retreat, reload instead. But we have to keep focused on what it is that we are doing, believing that we are doing what is right and can contribute to good in this country and in this world, and the goal needs to be we will finish this race strong, however that may be. We have got to keep plodding ahead, going forward.
GLENN: I have to tell you, though, Sarah, that I mean, here's a guy doing a book on your family that is now able to look into Piper's bedroom. You know he's — the only reason, I mean, he's a voyeur. The only reason why he moved there is to be either a peeping Tom and watch your family over the fence or be, watch the comings and goings of your family. I mean, I have to tell you, there is a difference between fighting a battle and saying, you know, look, I disagree with you and we'll be on the battlefield of ideas. This is harassment. This is stalking and harassment. There's a difference. Leave my family, leave people's families alone.
GLENN: I mean, I don't think I've ever — I made this when it was, when it was Bill Clinton. You don't go after Chelsea Clinton.
GLENN: You don't talk about the Bush kids. Now, the minute they get into politics, that's a different story. You leave the families alone. We've never done anything but protect the families and question why the White House would bring their children into political debate. Leave the families alone.
SARAH PALIN: Right. Yeah, a very classless thing that Random House is doing. And if I — you know, if I find out that Random House is the one actually renting this place for their author to be able to sit here over our shoulder for the next five or six months, that will be pretty disturbing, too, but a classless thing that they are doing because let me tell you something practical that happens in Alaska. We don't have air conditioning. None of our houses have ever had air conditioning and so you leave your windows open all summer long. It's the only way to keep cool in the midnight sun because the sun essentially doesn't set for many of the days in the summer, leaving the windows wide open. Well, now, things like that, that's got to change because the guy's sitting right there. We're not going to let them overhear children's conversations or anything else. So practically speaking, yeah, a real pain in the butt and a real, a real inconvenient and disturbing thing. But again —
PAT: And another, and another thing to make you spend money. How much is the fence costing you?
SARAH PALIN: I know. We'll have to barter that with some of the guys, we'll take them moose hunting or something. Todd will take them on snow machine tours for labor.
GLENN: I've got to tell you, and I mean this sincerely. I don't wish anybody harm and, you know, I — you know, that's just not the way you solve things. But I have to tell you I think, you know, the president is saying we should give medals to the soldiers that, you know, show restraint and not shoot people? Let me tell you something. I think, I think Todd deserves that first medal on why he doesn't go over there and punch that guy in the face. I mean, that is not the way to handle things but as a man and you are screwing with my wife and my children, it would take everything in me not to do that.
SARAH PALIN: Well, amen, yeah. I mean, Todd, he's got to bite his tongue and he's got to be restrained because that's —
GLENN: You tell Todd to keep his hands in his pockets, man.
SARAH PALIN: Yeah, because they often — that's what he wants. He so wants a reaction like that from Todd so he can jot it down or he can call the cops and jot that down as a chapter in his book. So, you know, it's — Todd does have the patience of Job through some of the crap that some folks want to put us through, and Todd, too, though, he knows like you do, Glenn, at the end of the line it's got to be worth it. We've got to stay committed and do what we have to do to help right some wrongs and it's got to be worth it.
GLENN: They only, they only weaken themselves. Every step of the way. It makes it harder, but they only weaken themselves.
Sarah, thank you so much and we'll talk to you again soon and stay safe.
SARAH PALIN: Hey, thanks. And Glenn, I wrote you that e mail knowing that you've been through all this before, too. You know exactly what I was talking about and how we were feeling. So thanks for betting me bend your ear.
GLENN: Oh, yeah, no. Not a problem. God bless you. We'll keep you in our prayers.
SARAH PALIN: Right on. Thank you, sir.
GLENN: You bet. Bye bye. She's going to again be at 8/28, in the first 15 minutes she will be joined on stage with all the other people and she will be talking about some of the great, great heroes of military that your children should see. 8/28, make your plans to attend now. And if you would like to donate, please go to And we'll give you more details here in just a second.
In The Mailbox: 01.29.25 (Evening Edition)
12 hours ago
I heard Sarah on Glenn's show today. We are going to the Aug. 28th event and am happy to hear that Gov. Palin is attending.
Great that Sarah will join Glenn on 8/28.
I can't believe this creep stalking the Palins. I will not be buying any Random House products anytime soon.
Let me know if you want to get together while you are in town!!
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