Damaging some bird fetus' is punishable by fines and jail time (while unlikely, still legally possible) yet to kill a human fetus is perfectly acceptable.
A 25-year-old is not responsible or mature enough to carry their own health insurance, yet middle school students in Washington state can get a tax payer funded abortion without parental notification or consent.
Innocent Israeli's who are killed in suicide bombings are really victims of their government's policies. Yet the bomber is just reacting to his oppression.
The people living in squalor in the Jordanian "refugee" camps that were set up more than 60 years ago are victims of Israel. Jordan is completely blameless for not giving them citizenship or helping them to build a life beyond the poverty they live in.
The fact that no Middle Eastern country has offered to help the Palestinians in any meaningful way is Israel's fault.
While history has proven that when Israel signs a peace agreement with a country they stand by it, they are still the aggressors.
Sarah Palin is a bad mother because her daughter got pregnant and had a child out-of-wedlock. Had Bristol had an abortion, she would be a good mother.
Sarah Palin is some sort of nut for daring to raise and love a developmentally challenged child, yet the woman who aborted her child because of a cleft palette is a hero.
Although Van Jones described himself as a communist and has made the statement that America is not broke because Halliburton has money he really isn't a communist.
When the head of the New York Chapter of the NAACP says that black families that are trying to enroll their children in a better schools are doing the business of slave masters she is just protecting the rights of people of color.
“I’d simply say that as a parent, the most important job you have is to provide the best opportunities possible for your children’s education and success,” The words uttered by Karen Boykin-Towns about the choice to send her daughter to boarding school in New Hampshire while she and her husband have worked to limit choice to the other parents in New York City. Mr. Towns voted to cap charter schools and Mrs. Towns works for the NAACP who has filed suit against the city to stop the opening of new charter schools.
Had the left just left Gov. Palin alone after the election of 08 she would have written one book on her experience, it would have sold well to the conservative leaning people in the country and she would have faded into oblivion like most other failed vice presidential candidates. They have made Palin what she is today.
Believing that homosexuality can be cured makes you some bigoted religious nut. Believing that pedophilia can be cured makes you compassionate.
The left believes that republicans are not really trying to decrease the debt. If Pelosi were still Speaker of the House, the debt ceiling increased would have passed months ago with no real discussion or debate.
In San Francisco wanting convicted sex offenders away from neighborhoods where there are schools is a violation of the sex offenders civil rights.
Being against President Obama's policies makes you a racist, but if you voted for him because of the historic nature of the first black president that is perfectly acceptable.
Wasting almost a trillion dollars of mostly borrowed money on a stimulus package that didn't stimulate much of anything is Bush's fault.
The Democrats have not had a budget in more than 800 days but it is the republicans that are irresponsible.
People like President Obama and Michael Moore say that the taxes on the rich are too low. But when they do their own taxes, they hire high-priced accountants to find every possible tax deduction instead of paying the flat 35% rate.
President Obama insults the "fat cats" on wall street publically but has no problem with taking their money for his re-election campaign privately. No one on the left seems to see the hypocrisy in this.
To the left allowing people to keep more of the money that they earned is considered a tax cut.
People on the far left say that taxes on the rich are too low, but when asked why they don't give money directly to the treasury they say it will be wasted, they would rather give it charity. Yet, they still want taxes to be increased.
In The Mailbox: 02.21.25 (Evening Edition)
3 hours ago
Excellent summary of the left's deceptions.
JACG, Down is up, up is down.
The fact that the liberal 'mind' can go happily along with such paradox's of logic is proof positive liberalism is a mental disease.
Phd's in the field agree. Though we don't need no steenkin Phd's if you ask me.
yes, we are such idiots. that is the only possible explanation.
and the partisans on my side who create such lists about folks on the right must also be correct, because those oversimplifications also makes sense on the surface.
as a nation, we are screwed because 100% of us are delusional idiots, according to both sides.
either one side is completely and utterly wrong, and everyone who believes in it lacks the IQ to know better, or there is truth and love of country on both sides and we're not trying hard enough to work together.
i wish i was bright enough to know which answer is correct.
Laughing through tears.
Anyone who can subscribe to this list of believes can easily believe that they are smarter than everyone else!
sounds about right.
Of course there are partisans on both sides. Of course no one is right 100% of the time.
But as a level headed person that I believe you to be, you must admit that things on list make no sense. This isn't about generalizations either. When the Mayor of Chicago sends his children to private school but works towards limited that same choice to lower income families that is hypocrisy. Rahm is far from the only example. The children of the people at the NAACP is sending their children to private/charter schools (quite a long list on that one) when they are fighting to keep a school that is performing at a 1% level open there is a problem. They are working for the unions and not for the children. Less than 10% of people in this country are in unions. Why the special treatment?
When a former union head says he will start caring about the kids when they start paying dues where is the "fairness" that your side is always talking about?
I am working to give every child in this country a good education. Far too many on your side are more worried about the unions than the kids. That is not having America's best interests at heart.
Admit it, your party has been taken over by the far left who in many instance do not love this country the way you and I do.
>i'll have to do this in chunks because it's long. sorry! hope this doesn't seem like a thread hijack, i just wanted to get my points across.
> It’s been a little while since I’ve been able to give a full response to anything on this blog, but I finally have a day off from work with nothing to do for a little bit, so I’ll get this one in. I’m going to give the most honest, non-politicially-motivated, not trying-to-win-an argument responses I can on these issues. My responses reflect my viewpoint only, but I can say that a great many of the people I know (who are more or less of my political persuasion) have views on these issues that are significantly closer to mine than they are to any cartoonish representation of a ‘typical liberal’ I’ve seen on right-leaning blogs.
Damaging some bird fetus' is punishable by fines and jail time (while unlikely, still legally possible) yet to kill a human fetus is perfectly acceptable.
> I am not an absolutist on abortion rights. Of the liberals I know, about 2/3 believe it is horrible and should be avoided at all costs, but should be legal, and the other 1/3 believe it is horrible and have doubts about whether it should be as legal as it is.
A 25-year-old is not responsible or mature enough to carry their own health insurance, yet middle school students in Washington state can get a tax payer funded abortion without parental notification or consent.
> Please see last response.
Innocent Israeli's who are killed in suicide bombings are really victims of their government's policies. Yet the bomber is just reacting to his oppression.
> I don’t think any serious, considered liberal could justify terrorist killngs of civilians and be taken seriously.
The people living in squalor in the Jordanian "refugee" camps that were set up more than 60 years ago are victims of Israel. Jordan is completely blameless for not giving them citizenship or helping them to build a life beyond the poverty they live in.
> I would guess that less than 10% of democrats / liberals have a strong opinion on this.
The fact that no Middle Eastern country has offered to help the Palestinians in any meaningful way is Israel's fault.
> I struggle with the Israeli / Palestinian issue. I believe there is bad will on both sides, and the government in the Palestinian territories is without a doubt terrorist-affiliated. I believe the official US policy is that Israel is an ally, and I don’t know anyone who has a serious problem with that.
While history has proven that when Israel signs a peace agreement with a country they stand by it, they are still the aggressors.
> There is virtually no response to terrorism that won’t draw criticism from some corner. I have great sympathy for the leadership and citizenry in Israel, but I don’t think the country has been served well by its long series of hawkish civilian and military leaders. Perhaps they have won ideological and military victories, but they have not made any progress toward peace. However I will also say that I believe Palestine was immensely foolish for walking away from the peace deal Israel offered during the Clinton talks in the 90s.
Sarah Palin is a bad mother because her daughter got pregnant and had a child out-of-wedlock. Had Bristol had an abortion, she would be a good mother.
> I don’t think Sarah Palin is a bad mother. I don’t know enough about her as a person or mother to make that judgment. I disagree with her on most policy issues, and that’s enough of a reason for me not to support her without getting into her private life.
Sarah Palin is some sort of nut for daring to raise and love a developmentally challenged child, yet the woman who aborted her child because of a cleft palette is a hero.
> I disagree strongly with both of those statements, and so would everyone I know!
Although Van Jones described himself as a communist and has made the statement that America is not broke because Halliburton has money he really isn't a communist.
> I can see why conservatives would dislike Jones – there’s no way you could like him. Being someone who has called himself a communist and who, while seemingly not currently espousing communistic views, still sits solidly in the left wing of the democratic spectrum, he is as opposite politically to a conservative as a public servant could realistically be in the US. I personally don’t believe this takes away from the good he was doing in recent years promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the private sector. I can respect that you disagree with me on this but it doesn’t change my opinion.
When the head of the New York Chapter of the NAACP says that black families that are trying to enroll their children in a better schools are doing the business of slave masters she is just protecting the rights of people of color.
> That was clearly an inappropriate comment. I would imagine she feels that those people are contributing to the downfall of the public schools that have given so many in her community at least the dim hope of the future, and therefore views them as traitors to their communities (community as in neighborhood). That doesn’t make her statement any more appropriate.
“I’d simply say that as a parent, the most important job you have is to provide the best opportunities possible for your children’s education and success,” The words uttered by Karen Boykin-Towns about the choice to send her daughter to boarding school in New Hampshire while she and her husband have worked to limit choice to the other parents in New York City. Mr. Towns voted to cap charter schools and Mrs. Towns works for the NAACP who has filed suit against the city to stop the opening of new charter schools.
> There is a certain amount of hypocrisy on both sides regarding education. The arguments of the two sides can be grossly oversimplified thusly:
Liberal: every kid who gets his tax money redirected out of district so the kid can go somewhere else, represents that much less the district is able to spend on expensive things like attracting the best teaching talent, building libraries, sports facilities, etc, making it all that much less of a quality education and experience for the kids who are left.
Conservative: we pay taxes for our kids to go to those schools and be poorly educated. Don’t take my money and then tell me I don’t get to have that money go to a place where my kid will get a better education. That’s unfair and a misuse of my money.
Most effective argument against the liberal point of view – if the school your child goes to happens to be terrible, you have no recourse unless you’re rich.
Most effective argument against the conservative point of view: if you live most places in the US, there’s no way your tax dollars will cover more than a fraction of the tuition cost in a private school. However, if you work hard and put in your time, you have just as much of a shot as any other American of ascending the financial ladder and reaching a point where you can afford to pay to send your kids to a private school. The government provides the bare minimum so that even the poorest people in the country are able to receive a basic education, but you shouldn’t expect a government handout to send your kids to a better school, the government can’t afford that and you shouldn’t want it to be able to.
> Personally, my parents scrimped and saved every penny to send my brother and I to an inexpensive private school, and groused about having to pay school tax on top of tuition, so I am sympathetic to that feeling. On the other side, I am married to a former teacher in the public school system (she recently retired from teaching to open a private business), and I hear firsthand the heartbreaks the best teachers in the district went through trying to give their kids the best education possible while intense political, budget and ideological pressures bore down on them from all sides. Public demonization of teacher’s unions made them feel resented by half the population for their $40,000 per year jobs, for which they had to earn a master’s degree to even qualify. Several teachers from the district have come into my wife’s store and broken down in tears over the frustration of trying hard while feeling there is not a single person out there who appreciates their work, and a million people from non-educational backgrounds trying to put their hands in and tinker with the education process.
Had the left just left Gov. Palin alone after the election of 08 she would have written one book on her experience, it would have sold well to the conservative leaning people in the country and she would have faded into oblivion like most other failed vice presidential candidates. They have made Palin what she is today.
> Agreed. That and the press.
Believing that homosexuality can be cured makes you some bigoted religious nut. Believing that pedophilia can be cured makes you compassionate.
> I have not heard one person of any political persuasion ever tell me they support pedophiles or think their mental illness can be cured. On the other hand, while pedophilia is a crime with a victim, homosexuality is not a crime and has no victim. Science has demonstrated that homosexuality is an inherent genetic trait and not a choice, although many social conservatives would never accept the validity of such a finding. However, I would not abridge the right of any citizen to subject him or herself to a “cure” for homosexuality if that’s what they wanted to do.
The left believes that republicans are not really trying to decrease the debt. If Pelosi were still Speaker of the House, the debt ceiling increased would have passed months ago with no real discussion or debate.
> The republicans are doing a good job of keeping the debt debate front and center; it’s an important one to have. I think we’d both be lying if we said there was no political angle to the republicans’ stance as well, and I sorely wish there could be more compromise from their side on this, but I don’t fault them for taking the stand they are taking.
In San Francisco wanting convicted sex offenders away from neighborhoods where there are schools is a violation of the sex offenders civil rights.
> I don’t know anything about this and i don’t know anyone from San Francisco. I don’t agree with that statement, but that sounds like a local issue to me, until it’s not.
Being against President Obama's policies makes you a racist, but if you voted for him because of the historic nature of the first black president that is perfectly acceptable.
> there does seem to be some of that out there, but I don’t know one person who voted for obama because he was black. I do know plenty of people who voted for him because he wasn’t john mc cain.
Wasting almost a trillion dollars of mostly borrowed money on a stimulus package that didn't stimulate much of anything is Bush's fault.
> One thing I NEVER see mentioned anywhere in conservative circles is, a full THIRD of the stimulus package was direct tax cuts. Are you opposed to the tax cuts, or just the other 2/3 of the package? The rest of the package consisted of unemployment benefits, and loans and grants to spur business development. The purpose of the stimulus was twofold: one, to save jobs that were being lost due to the economic downturn (which, I should add, we were solidly in the thick of by that time), and two, to rally the sagging markets and try to ease investor panic. Was it successful on either count? Well, its goal was to save 900,000 jobs, and it only ended up directly saving around 600,000, so in that regard it did not live up to expectations. As far as the effect on markets, in early 2009 the dow was in the 6,000s and investor confidence was plummeting. By the end of that year, the dow was back above 10,000 and activity was heavy with investors feeling a great deal more confidence. So I guess you could call it a qualified success. But the recession we are in is a deep one with several valleys. There is ongoing debate about whether the package was too small or too large, and believe it or not, opinions are split on the matter among the most educated in the field.
The Democrats have not had a budget in more than 800 days but it is the republicans that are irresponsible.
> I’m not sure I understand the democrats’ game in not submitting a budget, although clearly as with most things in Washington it seems politically motivated (surprise). After the debt ceiling crisis is out of the way one way or another, I would expect the clamor for a budget will force them to come up with one.
People like President Obama and Michael Moore say that the taxes on the rich are too low. But when they do their own taxes, they hire high-priced accountants to find every possible tax deduction instead of paying the flat 35% rate.
> this is akin to a conservative saying they deplore government programs but will take full advantage of them as long as they are around. Same calculation of personal benefit vs sticking to a pure ideological stance.
President Obama insults the "fat cats" on wall street publically but has no problem with taking their money for his re-election campaign privately. No one on the left seems to see the hypocrisy in this.
> he actually gets crap about it all the time from his base. We like the politicians on our side to be honest too, and we’re as disappointed when they turn out to have the same shortcomings as other politicians before them as you are when yours do.
To the left allowing people to keep more of the money that they earned is considered a tax cut.
> that is the definition of a tax cut.
People on the far left say that taxes on the rich are too low, but when asked why they don't give money directly to the treasury they say it will be wasted, they would rather give it charity. Yet, they still want taxes to be increased.
> See my response to the tax deduction issue.
Of course there are partisans on both sides. Of course no one is right 100% of the time.
But as a level headed person that I believe you to be, you must admit that things on list make no sense. This isn't about generalizations either. When the Mayor of Chicago sends his children to private school but works towards limited that same choice to lower income families that is hypocrisy. Rahm is far from the only example. The children of the people at the NAACP is sending their children to private/charter schools (quite a long list on that one) when they are fighting to keep a school that is performing at a 1% level open there is a problem. They are working for the unions and not for the children. Less than 10% of people in this country are in unions. Why the special treatment?
When a former union head says he will start caring about the kids when they start paying dues where is the "fairness" that your side is always talking about?
> I’m not familiar with that former union head or his quote, but I don’t back him up on that sentiment. And I’m able to balance that feeling with my strong support for the right of people to organize and collectively bargain for worker rights, benefits and wages.
I am working to give every child in this country a good education. Far too many on your side are more worried about the unions than the kids. That is not having America's best interests at heart.
> Even the teachers, who are members of the unions, are more concerned about the kids than they are about their union. I assume you must know some teachers, what do you hear from them?
Admit it, your party has been taken over by the far left who in many instance do not love this country the way you and I do.
> That is just factually inaccurate. This is a centrist left government. Taxes are close to the lowest they have ever been, most of the spending and government programs that have come out of this administration have either put tax money back in people’s pockets or driven money to private enterprise (health insurance companies for instance). People further to the left than I am are furious with the president for abandoning what they felt were his progressive promises (which he really never made) and allowing conservatives to dictate all the terms of the national debate. People further to the right than I am are pretty sure they know that there are radical leftists in charge who are bent on turning the nation into a socialist nightmare, and those who seem to be close by to the left or right of me seem to feel no great joy or horror about the policies of the past several years, but are rightly anxious about the state our nation finds itself in, and feel we must proceed as carefully and in as considered a manner as is possible.
Sorry i basically wrote a novel in your blog comments, but thanks for giving me a space to ramble. Never thought when I finally got around to writing something this long it would be for a conservative blog but there you go. Hope you’re well CG.
I know you are not fond of Micheal Savage, but as he says... Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Good post!
I am glad to see you out and about again.
I am not a fan of most radio talk show hosts. It is mostly a shtick to make money, but you are correct, Savage is my least favorite of them all.
Hope all is well.
Wow that certainly was long. Longer than post I did.
1. I have always thought you to be a centerist left person who disagrees with me about how to solve the problems in this country, but loves it as much as I do. I don't expect our views to be all that different.
You are not the person this post was directed at. It is the people who are truly liberal. Yes, they want abortion on demand until birth. They fight every law putting any kind of safeguard. Killing an innocent child SHOULD be hard, it SHOULD be the hardest thing they every do, and the father deserves rights. No one on the far left will agree to any of that.
I am sorry, but you are so wrong that sympathetic far left judges go very easy on pedophiles. I don't have the info at the my disposal at the moment, but I can get you example after example of them wanting to "cure" them instead of punish them. I agree that sexual orientation is not a choice. Pepophila included. Neither can be cured and since people who go after children will not stop they must be locked up for life or made so they can not have sex. The only way to stop it.
I have been told to my face by liberals that Palin is a bad mother because Bristol got pregnant. I can also give you plenty of examples of where the left has said it. Not at my disposal.
I have never said anything against teachers. My problem is with the unions who put power and money before getting much needed reform. Most teachers work very hard and in some districts don't get paid very well for it.
Stopping the much needed reform in this country hurts the poor much more than the middle class. The middle class can hire tutors on the side, go to private or charter schools, or even homeschool. Not options given to the poor. The fact that the NAACP is standing with the unions says everything I need to hear about them and the unions.
You are the first dem I have heard call out those comments. It needs to be done more often.
Don't you dare say I don't call out the right, we both know that I do.
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