Smart Girls everywhere have been busy fighting against the current health care legislation being proposed. We are now coming down to a critical time in the fight with back door deals being made by more moderate Republicans.
It is critical that we take the fight now to those dealers. Over the next 48 hours, we are asking all members to contact the Senate Finance Committe members listed below.
We must reinforce to them that the majority of Americans are against this legislation.Please email, call, fax, and tweet these six Senators.
Senator Baucus 202-224-2651 Fax 202-224-9412
Snowe 202-224-5344 Fax 202-224-1046
Conrad 202-224-2043 Fax 202-224-7776
Bingaman 202-224-5521
Enzi 202-224-3424 Fax 202-228-0359
Grassley 202-224-3744 Fax 202-224-6020
Our hope is that both houses of Congress leave for August recess and listen to the will of their constituents. You will find events planned for the month of August below. This one month will be key to the future of our country and preventing another failed government program. One that promises to be the most destructive in our country's history.
There are a few key components to this initiaitive:
1. Holding rallies at the district offices of the Blue Dogs during the August recess. Together with American Liberty Alliance (and others), we will be participating in "recess rallies" to be held August 22nd (more information forthcoming at Recess Rally).
ALA is targeting House blue dogs at these rallies, but we may want to get groups together to rally at Senate offices too.
2. Our ally in the fight against the Democrat plan, Patients United, is taking their case against socialized health care on the road with bus tours through targeted states; more information at Join Patients First Bus Tour. SGP has been offered space on the buses.
3. In addition to attending the August 22nd rallies, we will be encouraging all of our members to take part in "5 minute activism." This involves making phone calls, sending faxes and emails, and generally bombarding targeted Congressional offices with our opinion.
If you can't make it to the rallies on the 22nd, we will be waging a "5 minute activism" campaign to run concurrently to the rallies, the purpose of which is to overload the blue dog offices while rallies take place outside. A lot of information will be going up on the Ning site in the coming days and weeks. We will start a special "Collar a Blue Dog" group for coordinating our activist efforts. Please check out the information and get involved! It is especially important for those in states where blue dogs reside to take the lead.
3. In addition to attending the August 22nd rallies, we will be encouraging all of our members to take part in "5 minute activism." This involves making phone calls, sending faxes and emails, and generally bombarding targeted Congressional offices with our opinion.
If you can't make it to the rallies on the 22nd, we will be waging a "5 minute activism" campaign to run concurrently to the rallies, the purpose of which is to overload the blue dog offices while rallies take place outside. A lot of information will be going up on the Ning site in the coming days and weeks. We will start a special "Collar a Blue Dog" group for coordinating our activist efforts. Please check out the information and get involved! It is especially important for those in states where blue dogs reside to take the lead.
If you are not already a member of Smart Girls Politics, Please join. It is free and open to all. You will have access to updated information on activism campaigns and meet some very nice Smart Girls (and Guys, too).
Really great post, JACG. You don't give up, do you. And thank goodness. We must continue to do what we can.
Great post. We must continue to push hard on this issue. Here's a suggestion for our message...
Tell Congress: If you plan to support ObamaCare, use the month of August to begin planning for a permanent return to your home district.
Just got done e-mailing the 6 senators. I wish I had seen RightKlik's suggestion first. Keep up the good work.
The rally will be the day before my birthday! I can't wait!
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