The census questionnaire that we all are receiving next year is 28 pages. How many pages does it take to find out how many people live in your house? The constitution only requires a head count.
Barney Frank is still taking no responsibility for his actions in the housing crisis. Last night he told Bill O’Reilly that he only wanted to subsidize rental properties for the poor. In 2002 when the Bush administration was questioning Sallie and Freddie solvency his statement was very different. “Not facing any kind of financial hardship…” in 2003 He wanted to “roll the dice a little bit…” THANKS BARNEY.
The Atlanta 4th of July Tea Party permits have been pulled. The permit originally gave them permission to gather at property owned by Simon Properties. The owners of Simon Properties are very large donors of President Obama. They are currently looking for another place to hold the demonstration.
85% of the revenue from the cap & trade tax will go to special interests. This money had to be promised in order to get it a vote on the floor of the house tomorrow.
$27.5 billion is the amount for the stimulus package due to go shovel ready road projects. Remember, the bill that HAD to pass immediately. Only $191 million has been given to the states. Less than 1%.
Cap & Trade bill effect on your family:
Median electric bill $99.70 before bill - $180 after bill
Median water bill $68 before bill - $105.40 after bill
Median gas bill $167 before bill - $272 after bill
Cap & Trade will be voted on in the house tomorrow. Please call your Congressman
The Iranians have been disinvited to our 4th of July parties. Well, that will teach them!!
In The Mailbox: 02.21.25 (Evening Edition)
3 hours ago
I think I've passed the "Hmmmmm" stage. I've started swearing, which thing I don't like to do. But sometimes ya just gotta.
I have no problem swearing - but there aren't enough swear words for this #@!*.
These members of Congress need special attention, they're on the fence with Cap and Trade.
Bartlett (MD)
Bono Mack (CA)
Castle (DE)
Dent (PA)
Ehlers (MI)
Frelinghuysen (NJ)
Gerlach (PA)
Inglis (SC)
Tim Johnson (IL)
Kirk (IL)
Lance (NJ)
LoBiondo (NJ)
Petri (WI)
Platts (PA)
Ros-Lehtinen (FL)
Altmire (PA)
Bright (AL)
Dahlkemper (PA)
Drieshaus (OH)
Ellsworth (IN)
Kissell (NC)
Kratovil (MD)
Kanjorski (PA)
Teague (NM)
Great info - I will fax them all tomorrow.
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