Barney Frank (D-MA); one of my personal favorites in the house, has introduced a bill that will guarantee all state bonds for California with federal funds. You see, California is “too big to fail”. Haven’t we had about enough of the too big to fail?
When will enough be enough? We are going to use additional tax dollars to back California’s bonds with one hand, while taking away the stimulus money because the federal government doesn’t like the wages being paid to some union workers with the other. What kind of sense does this make?
People, we need to stand up and tell this government we have had enough. We need to take away this never ending power the federal government has given itself. The constitution is being thrown out the window and we are passively standing by.
In The Mailbox: 02.21.25 (Evening Edition)
3 hours ago
This is completely ridiculous! I agree 100%!!!
I am afraid that this will not end until the next election. I keep hoping that some hacker will hack into the Hawaii office that holds the birth certificates and be able to produce a birth certificate stating that our president is a resident of Kenya... or Mars! We need divine intervention! I am as active as I know how to be, but I know there is still little we can do. Even James Dobson said he was telling his followers not to be activist because there is no use at this time. How sad is that?
I have to agree with LBPruitt. Democrats are over reaching EVERYDAY, and they know it. They know that they're in trouble in 2010, so they are going for the gusto with everything NOW..while they can. Our job is to contonue spreading the word- as they spread the wealth- so that hopefully we can undo some of the damage under new leadership in 2010.
The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 26 This post is a suggested read at,
I live in the Socialist People's Republik of Kalifornia and want to thank the rest of you for propping up our failed regime with your tax dollars....
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