Two years ago today I decided to dip my toe into the blogosphere. Little did I know how much time that I would spend on this venture.
In this time I have more than a few laughs and have had my share of name calling. I have also caused a little controversy here and there.
Through it all I believe I have stayed true to my own voice, which is something that I have promised myself that I would not compromise on.
I would like to say a thank you to some folks who have become cyber friends to me and have motivated me to become a better blogger:
MA over at American Perspective
Cliff over at Another Black Conservative
Tim, RK, and Les over at Left Coast Rebel
TLC over at The Conservative Lady
Fuzzi over at Fuzzi Logic
Teresa over at Teresamerica
I would also like to thank all the people who have sent me information that I hope makes my posts more complete and more interesting.
I also would like to give Jill from Pundit and Pundette a special thank you for including me as a blogger at PotLuck. It has given me the chance to reach a different audience and to meet some other great bloggers. If you are not reading PotLuck, you should. It is a group of conservative women who have very different points of view; regardless of how the media portrays conservatives as monolithic. PotLuck is proof that we are not.
There are so many other blogs that I visit often and leave comments. Far too many to list them all here. But I would like to say a special thank you to Smitty over at The Other McCain. Even while defending our country over in Afghanistan, he still finds time to read my blog and link to me from time to time. Love that linky love Smitty. He also cracks me up on twitter. He and his wife are still deciding on what to name his first born son that is due to make his first appearance this July. I think Herman Cain Smith should be the winner. Just think if he does become the president, the kid will know how far ahead of the curve his dad really is. How cool is that?
Here are some of my favorite posts over the past two years:
In The Mailbox: 01.21.25 (Afternoon Edition)
6 hours ago
Happy birthday to your blog and an early birthday with for Smitty, Jr.
Thanks for the link. Sure have enjoyed your company out here in the hinterlands of the internet.
Happy birthday and keep up the good work!
Happy blog birthday! I've enjoyed getting to cyber-know you through Potluck, your blog and the comments on mine. ; )
Happy blog birthday! I've enjoyed getting to cyber-know you through Potluck, your blog and the comments on mine. ; )
Happy blogiversary and congratulations! May you have many more and enjoy continued success in all of your endeavors.
Congrats on your B-day and success.
Happy Birthday
Happy blog birthday CG; I enjoy our conversations.
Happy birthday JACG!
Here's hoping for many more.
Happy birthday! Keep the momentum building in 2012 and beyond.
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