Friday, May 2, 2014

Apparently Virginity is A High-Priced Commodity - 28-Year-Old Auctioning Off Her "First Time"

Isn't it romantic?  Placing and ad online to find someone to pay you for the privilege of taking your virginity.  I mean isn't that what romance novels are made of?  I wish I thought of it.

A 28-year-old medical student has done just that.  She says she is an "experienced" virgin and if you would like to be the first one all you have to do is pay her for it.  So far the high bid is at $550,000.  So that is what it is worth these days.  Good to know.

Her real name has not been released, but she says she is Virgin Whore and the man who eventually takes her virginity doesn't need to worry about her not having experience.  But she will submit to a medical exam to prove her virginity.  I suppose that means she engages in other sex acts but just has not had vaginal intercourse.

Does the "winner" of the auction get to ask if her rectal area has been untouched as well?  Maybe that is the type of virgin he is looking for.  Many heterosexuals enjoy anal sex.

She doesn't see a problem with this as she believes that prostitution should be decriminalized and should not have the stigma most people associate with it.  Her moral code is as follows:
“founded on a world of education and human emotion.”
Another words, if it feels good do it.  To heck with the consequences.  I would like to know if she plans on having this man submit to medical testing for STD's?  If she is an "experienced" virgin, she could very well already have some form of a STD.  You don't have to have intercourse to get many of them.  I am not even sure that HIV transmission requires intercourse, although I am no expert on these matters.

Seriously, what if everyone in the world used this as the guide to morality?  Sometimes human emotions get the better of us; we kill, we commit adultery, and all kinds of other acts in the name of emotion.  I have always thought part of morality was to overcome your all to human emotions at times and still do what is right for yourselves, others, and society as a whole?  Am I wrong about that?  I guess so.  Just do it if your being guided by your emotions.

I suppose if the emotions struck, I could walk up to this woman and slap her silly for giving away her virginity for money, and it would be perfectly acceptable and moral.  Well alrighty then.

Another thing I find fascinating is how men from all over the world are placing really high bids for the opportunity to be with a virgin.  Doesn't that tell you something ladies?

We have lost our moral compass as a society.  We become more depraved as each day passes.
Your body is not a commodity that can be bought and sold on the open market, well at least it should not be.  This comes down to how you value yourself.  I think she really needs to have a physician heal thy self moment.

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