Friday, January 31, 2014

Apparently, In Canada Killing Your Children is Not That Big of a Deal - 2 Newborn Deaths 36 Months in Prison

A young animal woman kills two out of the three children she gives birth to and will spend only 36 months in prison.  She served 18 months before bail was granted and will now serve an additional 18 months.  She has given birth four times since 2008.  Two babies were never found after she put them in dumpsters.  One child was saved from the dumpster when a man, who turns out to be the child's father, heard cries and saved the child.  A fourth child was birthed during her time in prison.
"You co-operated with police. Without your admission to police about the first babies, there would be no case against you."
The judge also noted that Borowiec has shown "genuine remorse."
Genuine remorse?  This is a woman who did this three times.  Not once, not twice, but three times.  Gave birth to these innocent, helpless children into a toilet, then wrapped them in towels after hearing their cries, put them in garbage bags and disposed of them like they were trash.  How does one show remorse for that?  Do you cry a great deal?  By her own admission she never even bothered to check if these children were male or female.  She cared not one whit about these babies.
I am not sure if it is a good or bad thing that she isn't trying to say she didn't know she was pregnant.  She knowingly lied to people about her condition by saying she had cysts in her uterus.  She never told the baby's father about them.  She never sought medical attention for the prenatal care for these children.  She then says it was after giving birth that she wasn't "normal".
This reminds me of another case in Canada where the young mother was given little to no  jail time because "abortion on demand" is the law of the land there.  They have little to no restrictions on abortion.  Apparently as long as you are not in active labor, you can end the life of your child.  That judge seems to think that includes the time right after birth and the child is outside the womb.
Is it any wonder that we don't respect life?  Why get angry that there are so many murders on the streets of Chicago?  What makes them more human than these children?  When a society has gotten to the point where it no longer cares that life has been ended at the hand of another, it is a society that deserves whatever else comes.

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